2016年11月29日 星期二

離別時刻(Leaving Time) - 茱迪.皮考特(Jodi Picoult)

離別時刻(Leaving  Time) - 茱迪.皮考特(Jodi Picoult) 

今年八月中,我曾在肯雅首都奈羅比(Nairobi)的大象孤兒院輕撫小象粗糙的背部;在阿伯德爾國家公園(Aberdare National Park的樹頂酒店(TREETOPS)底層觀望窗近距離觀看象群在酒店附近的池塘邊嬉戲;在馬賽馬拉國家公園(Masai Mara National Park)的四驅車遠望象群漫步非洲草原,那時腦海仍然停留在年幼時第一次在動物園看到大象的印象,只覺得大象巨大笨重,行動緩慢,名副其實是大笨象。
數星期前,當我在圖書館看到《 離別時刻(Leaving  Time) 》封面上的兩隻非洲象一大一小並排而行時,便急不及待地借回家,希望能盡快讀讀久違了的非洲大象。

離別時刻》是美國著名作家 茱迪.皮考特(Jodi Picoult) 廿多部小中的2014年作品,書中描述三便成了孤兒的潔娜(Jenna),十年後試圖尋找失蹤媽媽的故事。她只記得當年大象庇護場裡的大象死了一位護埋員,媽媽愛麗斯(Alice)昏迷送院後不久便自行失蹤,爸爸湯瑪士(Thomas)那時卻被送進了精神療養院。作者在錯綜複雜的生死時空中,轉折表述了一個峰迴路轉的故事,更給了我們一個出人意表的結局。由於愛麗斯是非洲象研究人員,作者在書中寫有很多有關大象的生活行為,哀悼形式、記憶能力和母性表現。書中也提到了大象孤兒院和肯亞國家公園的保護大象的工作。我在讀過程中醒悟到大象如人類一樣複雜難明,象與象之間的感情比人類更加直接和細膩,其實大象並不笨! 在當今吵嚷不停的現世中,我反而覺得我們多了些浮誇急噪,少了些大象的穩重踏實。


Leaving Time – Author:Jodi Picoult (Random House Canada page 187) 

I have never seen a better mother than an elephant.
I suppose that if humans were pregnant for two years, the investment might be enough to make us all better mothers. A baby elephant can do no wrong. He can be naughty, he can steal food from his mother’s mouth, he can move too slowly or get stuck in mud, and still, his mother is patient beyond belief. Babies are the most precious things in an elephant’s life.
The protection of the calves is the responsibility of the entire herd. They cluster, with the babies walking in the middle.
…… When it’s the height of the day and nap time, babies sleep under the canopies of their mothers’ massive bodies, because they are more susceptible to sunburn.
The term given to the way babies are brought up in elephant herds is allomothering, a fancy word for “It takes a village.”
…… Allomothering also allows young cows to learn how to take care of a baby, how to protect a baby, how to give a baby the time and space it needs to explore without putting it in danger.
So theoretically you could say an elephant has many mothers. And yet there is a special and inviolable bond between the calf and its birth mother.
In the wild, a calf under the age of two will not survive without its mother.
In the wild, a mother’s job is to teach her daughter everything she will need to know to become a mother herself.
In the wild, a mother and daughter stay together until one of them dies.

離別時刻--翻譯: 蘇瑩文 (台灣商務印書館 191)


作者--茱迪·皮考特(Jodi Picoult1966519日-),美國小家,至今已出版廿餘本著作,當中多本作品成為紐約時報暢銷書榜榜首。擅於寫作充滿道德爭議的小2004年的作品姊姊的守護者(My Sister's Keeper)改編成同名電影,於2009年上映。1967年生於紐約長島,於普林斯頓大學學習寫作,1987年畢業,畢業後,成為哈佛大學教育碩士。

      Songs of the Humpback Whale (大翅鯨之歌)1992
      Harvesting the Heart (最初的心跳)1993
      Picture Perfect (失去的幸福時光)1995
      Mercy (當愛遠行)1996
      The Pact(死亡約定) 1998
      Keeping Faith (留住信念) 1999
      Plain Truth(完全真相)1999
      Salem Falls (罪證)2001
      Perfect Match (魔鬼游戲) 2002
      Second Glance (門廊上的嬰兒鞋) 2003
      My Sister's Keeper(姊姊的守護者) 2004
      Vanishing Acts (消逝之行)2005
      The Tenth Circle(第十層地獄) 2006
      Nineteen Minutes(事發的19分鐘) 2007
      Change of Heart(換心) 2008
      Handle With Care (小心輕放)2009
      House Rules (家規)2010
      Sing You Home (凡妮莎的妻子)2011
      Lone Wolf (孤狼) 2012
      The storyteller 故事的人)2013
      Leaving Time (離別時刻) 2014

