2016年5月8日 星期日


今年冬季特別漫長,四月仍有飄雪。平日天暗路滑,自己人老懶動,整個冬季窩在家中看書。雖然未能一月讀三十本,也希望可以一星期翻一本,這冬天便成了我的讀書季節。三個多月來,除了閱讀了幾本中文短篇小說外,我不知不覺竟然也把西西莉雅艾亨(Cecelia Ahern)在烈治文山圖書館上架的中英文版小讀完。現在窗外已是黃花滿地,心想應該是時候放下閒書,出外走走了。依欄賞花好時節,斗室苦讀待明年。花有蘺下野花,也有溫室薔薇,各有所依;人有販夫走卒,亦有達官貴人,自有命數,我們不必妄自菲薄,更不用趨炎附勢。西西莉雅艾亨在《一百個名字 One Hundred Names便寫出了這令人深省的簡單道理。貴為前愛爾蘭總理的女兒,廿一便成名的她能有此見解,實在是難能可貴。 

 以下節錄自《一百個名字 One Hundred Names: 

“Every single ordinary person has an extraordinary story. We might all think that we are unremarkable, that our lives are boring, just because we aren’t doing ground-breaking things or making headlines or winning awards. But the truth is we all do something that is fascinating, that is brave, that is something we should be proud of.” --- One Hundred Names, Cecelia Ahern 

「每個平凡人都有不平凡的故事。或許我們都覺得自己毫無可取之處,覺得自己的人生平凡無奇,因為我們沒有做過具有突破性的事情,或是登上頭條、贏得獎項。但事實上,我們都做過一些迷人的事情,我們都發揮過自己的勇氣,我們必須為此感到驕傲。」 --- 一百個名字, 楊佳蓉譯,春光版社  

西西莉雅艾亨是愛爾蘭小家,她父親是前愛爾蘭總理,廿一的成名作PS, I Love You(附注:我愛妳) 曾搬上大銀幕, 她的作品屬雞仔文學(Chick lit)。

      PS, I Love You (2004)
      Where Rainbows End (2004) (titled Rosie Dunne or Love, Rosie in the U.S.A.)
      If You Could See Me Now (2005) (titled A Silver Lining in the U.S.A.)
      A Place Called Here (2006) (titled There's No Place Like Here in the U.S.A.)
      Thanks for the Memories (2008)
      The Gift (2008)
      The Book of Tomorrow (2009)
      Girl in the Mirror / The Memory Maker (short stories) (2010)
      The Time of my Life (2011)
      One Hundred Names (2012)
      How to Fall in Love (2013)
      The Year I Met You (2014)
      The Marble Collector (2015)
      Flawed (2016)

      2004:《P.S. 我愛妳》(PS, I Love You
      2004:《我一直都在》(Where Rainbows End
      2005:《在妳身邊90天》(If You Could See Me Now
      2006:《在這裡等妳》(A Place Called Here
      2008:《最後的禮物》(The Gift
      2010: 《明日魔法書》   (the book of tomorrow)
      2011:《星期一的邀約信》(The Time of my Life
      2012: 《一百個名字》   (One hundred names) 

根據維基百科,雞仔文學(英語:Chick lit)是一種以現代女性為受眾的文學類型,容輕鬆活潑。1990年代末期在英美國家開始流行,常常高居暢銷書排行榜首,雖然包含浪漫元素,但一般並不算在浪漫小的範疇,因為它可能還包括了懸疑之類其他的元素。
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chick lit or Chick literature is genre fiction which addresses issues of modern womanhood, often humorously and lightheartedly. The genre became popular in the late 1990s, with chick lit titles topping bestseller lists and the creation of imprints devoted entirely to chick lit. Although it sometimes includes romantic elements, chick lit is generally not considered a direct subcategory of the romance novel genre, because the heroine's relationship with her family or friends is often just as important as her romantic relationships.