近日新聞報導,銀髮一族越來越喜歡參加遊輪去世界各地旅行。我剛巧在圖書館借到李文俊翻譯的加拿大諾貝爾文學獎得主艾麗斯•芒羅(Alice Munro,又譯艾麗絲•門羅) 短篇小說集《逃離Runnaway》,讀到其中的最後一篇 《法力Power》描述六十七歲的女主人公參加完阿拉斯加遊輪之旅後,在溫哥華碰到失去聯絡多年的男友, 敘說了一段有關旅行的感言。嬰兒潮的老年人,有健康,有餘錢,平日卻是無所事事,在朋友和後輩的推波助瀾下,出外旅行是必然的節目。這段說話在整篇文章裡並不重要,只是一些久別重逢的閒談,平淡無奇的瑣碎事。然而,在艾麗絲•門羅簡樸的文筆下,情節細膩得如此真實,我感到一切好像曾發生在自己的朋友身上,甚至好像曾發生在自已身上一樣,令人發出會心微笑。
以下節錄自《逃離》 艾麗絲. 門羅/著
李文俊/譯 北京十月文藝出版社
於是她便談起乘船游覽的事情來。她說為了保住一條命,她是不會再參加一次的了。倒不是天氣的問題,雖然有幾天天氣的確很糟,又是雨又是霧的,風景壓根兒看不見。其實呢,風景她們還是看夠了的,足夠一輩子慢慢享用。山後是山,島外有島,看不盡的巉巖,流水和樹木。每一個人都說,多麼了不起呀! 多麼神奇呀!
她們看到了白熊,看到了海豹,海獅,還見到過一條鯨魚。每個人都照相。出汗,咒駡,生怕自己花樣多多的新照相機不聽使喚。接著又棄船坐上那條名震遐邇的舊金礦鎮,然後又是猛摁快門---這兒有演員穿上” 快樂的九十年代” 的行頭與你合影。並且排隊,搶著買奶油軟糖。
以下節錄自《Runaway》 by Alice Munro
McClelland & Stewart Ltd
So she began to talk about the cruise, she
said that she would never go on another one of those to save her life. It wasn’t
the weather, though some of that was bad, with rain and fog cutting off the
view. They got enough view, actually more than enough to last a lifetime.
Mountain after mountain and island after island and rocks and water and trees.
Everybody saying, isn’t that stupendous? Isn’t that stunning?
Stunning, stunning, stunning. Stupendous.
They saw bears. They saw seals, sea lions, a
whale. Everybody taking pictures. Sweating and cussing and afraid their fancy
new cameras weren’t working right. Then off the boat and the ride on the famous
railway to the famous gold-mining town and more pictures and actors dress up
like the Gay Nineties and what did most people do there? Lined up to buy fudge.
Singsongs on the trains. And on the boat, the
boozing. Some people from breakfast time on. Card games, gambling. Dancing
every night, with ten old women to one old man.
“All us ribboned and curled and spangled and
poufed up like doggies in a show. I’m telling you, the competition was wild.”
“……people said I should get out and join
things. Join the Seniors’ Book Club, join the Seniors’ Nature Walks, join the
Watercolour Painting. Even the Seniors Volunteer Visitors, who go and intrude on
the poor defenseless creatures in the hospital. So I just didn’t feel like
doing any of that, and then everybody started with Get away, get away. My kids
as well. You need a total holiday. So I shillied and shallied and I didn’t
really know how to get away, and somebody said, well, you could go on a cruise.
So I thought, well, I could go on a cruise.”
艾麗斯•芒羅(英語:Alice Munro,1931年7月10日-),或譯艾莉絲•孟洛、愛麗絲•蒙若,加拿大女作家,出生於加拿大安大略省溫納姆。她曾三次穫得加拿大總督獎,於2009年穫得布克獎,被譽爲“加拿大的契訶夫”。2013年,以“當代短篇小說大師”的成就,成爲第一位加拿大籍諾貝爾文學獎得主,也是第13位穫得諾貝爾獎的女性作家。艾麗斯•芒羅的作品以情節細膩見長,文風透徹,帶有心理現實主義特色。她的小說多以小鎮爲背景,描述主人公爲了贏得社會承認而努力,卻往往陷入緊張的關係與道德沖突之中。